Water sample in a vial in front of the image of a chemical structure
His research is oriented towards technical environmental chemistry and relates to the areas of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, drinking water, corresponding process engineering, sensor technology, environmental analytics and artificial intelligence, particularly with regard to new pollutant classes such as organic micropollutants or microplastics, as well as corresponding innovative purification processes.
Academic career
- 2000 - 2006 Study of Chemistry (Diploma)
- 2002 - 2004 Certificate Programme Economics
- 2005 - 2008 Second degree in economics Ddiploma)
- 2006 - 2011 Doctorate in Technical Environmental Chemistry
- 2011 - 2015 Post-Doc
- 2015 - heute Head of AG Advanced water technology de
- 2020 - heute Head of AG Reaktionstechnik WasserExternal link (Fraunhofer IKTS)
Scientific publications
- 28 peer-reviewed publications de in international journals (e.g. Water Research, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, PLOS ONE, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials)
- > 900 citations
- h-Index: 15
- book chapter in Handbook of Ultrasonics and Sonochemistry
- > 10 Mio. EUR third-party funding
- 35 research projects de (e.g. BMBF, BMELV, BMWi, Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, DAAD, DFG, EFRE, ESF, EU, Fraunhofer, TMWWDG)
- Teaching activities in the study programs Chemistry, Teaching Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry as well as Chemistry - Energy - Environment
- Lectures and seminars in the subjects Technical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Technical Environmental Chemistry with a minimum of 4 SWS (in German or English)
- Head of practical courses (2017 - 2019)
- scientific supervision of qualification theses, foreign guest scientists and students as well as school groups
Scientific and management successes
- Spokesman of the BMBF Zukunftscluster ThWIC - Thuringian Water Innovation Cluster (EUR 45 million)
- Head of 2 research groups
- Scientific advisor to Robert Boyle Institute
- Conference presidnet of the 17th Meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry
- 35 research projects
Scientific awards
- Fraunhofer Attract (2,5 Mio. EUR)
- Program for the promotion of third-party funding for junior researchers (10.000 EUR)
- STIFT-Dissertation award (1.500 EUR)
Research transfer
- 2 patents granted
- Excecutive Board Member and Treasurer of the European Society of Sonochemistry (ESS)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the European AOP School
- Water Chemical Society
- German Association for Water Management Wastewater and Waste (DWA)
- Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry (CEEC Jena)
- Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA)
- GDCh Division Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology
- German Phosphorus Platform (DPP)
Activities in academic self-government
- 2019 - today elected member of the faculty council
- 2017 - today Member of the Examination Board M. Sc. Chemistry - Energy - Environment
- 2015 - today Member of >10 appointment committees
- 2015 - 2022 Member of the Equal Opportunities Advisory Council
- 2015 - 2022 Equal Opportunity Officer of the Faculty of Chemical and Geosciences
- 2015 - today Member of the Institute Council
Scientific supervision
- 4 completed doctoral theses
- 25 Diploma/Master Theses
- 10 Bachelor theses