In our group, various advanced oxidation processes are being researched and (further) developed. Advanced Oxidation Processes form very strong oxidants (reactive oxygen species, e.g. hydroxal radicals) from water directly and on site (mostly) without addition of external chemicals. These oxidants are capable of removing almost all organic water pollutants.
Advanced Oxidation Processes investigated in our group include the use of cavitation, electrochemical processes, photo(cata)lysis, Fenton reaction, hydrogen peroxide, ozonation, and non-thermal plasma, as well as their combination. Among other things, the very new processes of pyro- or piezoelectrocatalysis are also being researched in the work area. The aim is to use waste heat and/or sound waves as initiator for the oxidative removal of organic pollutants in water by pyro- or piezoelectric materials. For the development of new or optimization of conventional advance oxidation processes, the detection and quantification of the formed reactive oxygen species (e.g. hydroxyl radicals) is essential. For this purpose, ESR and various chemical dosimetries are used and further developed.
A targeted combination of cavitation processes with other processes results in synergy effects based on physico-chemical effects during bubble collapse. Within the working area, sonoelectrochemical or sonophotocatalytic processes and combinations of cavitation and ozonation are further developed for different applications. In addition to the development and optimization of corresponding reactor designs for different (combination) processes, aspects such as scale-up and control are worked on and corresponding analyses are carried out.