Formation of capillary waves by ultrasound in water

Braeutigam group

Advanced water technology
Formation of capillary waves by ultrasound in water
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

Research for clean water

The working group Bräutigam deals with novel water pollutants (emerging pollutants, pharmaceutical residues, dyes, industrial chemicals), their (real-time) determination and the development of innovative techniques for efficient removal from water. The research is topic-specific apllied or fundamental.

The research concentrates on various processes in the field of advanced oxidation processes. In addition to cavitation and electrochemical, photo-(cata)-lytic and pyro- or piezoelectrocatalytic processes, classical processes such as Fenton, ozonation or oxidation with hydrogen peroxide as well as combinations of these are also researched and further developed. The use of ceramic membranes in the field of micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration and sorption processes as well as combinations of these for various applications is also being investigated.

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Anthropogenic (micro-)pollutants such as pharmaceutical residues and industrial chemicals are the focus of the research group. In addition to the efficient and removal, the detection and quantification of these as well as the elucidation of the transformation products formed during oxidative/reductive/microbiological transformation as well as the kinetics of the processes and the (eco-)toxicological assessment are of great interest.

Furthermore, research also focuses on the further development and optimisation of cavitation processes. In addition to comparative studies on generation processes, their technological application potential and energy efficiency, this also includes the development and optimisation of combination processes with e.g. electrochemical or photochemical material conversions.

Current topics include chemical-free continuous COD determination, the use of artificial intelligence for predictive models of degradability in technical treatment processes, pyro- or piezoelectrocatalysis, textile functionalisation and recovery of valuables from wastewater.


Patrick Bräutigam, Dr
Head of AG Advanced water technology
Room 302, CEEC
Philosophenweg 7a
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link